Monday, March 5, 2012

In The Light- Newsletter Jan/Feb 2012

Giving credit where its due is something I've always strived for in my research. Throughout my time as rabid occult scholar, its become essential to identify people, areas, and events of the occult that make a difference to our chosen field of study. I must confess, when I stumbled upon The Occult Network website - - I was very impressed with what I saw. The website is technically easy to navigate and full of legitimate occult work. I particularly noticed the writers, web designers, and artists exhibited a network that not only gave credence to their namesake but provided credibility to them as occult aficionados. These players all worked in tandem to create a truly proficient, beautiful, and entertaining website. But at no time, did I gnash my teeth, laugh out loud as something ludicrious, or have an urge to kick my computer monitor. It was a calm reminder that there are beacons of light out there amongst the dredges of occult filth and stupidity. Let's be honest, much of what calls itself 'occult' these days should be shot with a load of buckshot or peed on regularly. The occult network is not one of those malcontents. Theirs is a simple yet provocative approach to occult study and presentation. A truly pleasurable experience, I would be remiss if I didnt sing the praises of their writers and website. Bravo! Now let's blow a gigantic hole in some schmuck occult writer's office door and let the dogs in. We don't have time for the riff raff.


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