Sunday, April 12, 2015

Shysters and Witchery in the “American Heartland”: Protest at Iowa House

"It's an universal law-intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated behaves with arrogance impatience, whereas a truly profound education breeds humility."
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

""Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice."
- Avaan Hirsi Ali

Shysters and Witchery in the “American Heartland”: Protest at Iowa House

Well, it happened again. Another dark spot on the lungs of Midwest America. This time the blight came in yet another show of conservative Christian ‘values’ on the chamber floor of Ohio’s House of Representatives.

When the demoness walked in, there was no outright sorcery that signaled her arrival. The lights didn’t dim. There were no disembodied voices, cackling, or pungent odor. Aside from some sneers and an audible gasp by a leering spinster sitting in the first row white-knuckling her King James in some self-induced personal hell, the day seemed pretty cheery.

That was until Cedar Rapids witch Debora Maynard had the gall to offer a morning prayer on behalf of the local Wiccan populace. Things then got cheap and ugly. At the moment Maynard began to utter a uniquely beautiful prayer which appealed to “god, goddess, universe, that which is greater than ourselves”, Rep. Rob Taylor smugly turned his back in clear disrespect of the woman’s expression of belief. It was an odd and almost frightening gesture. Like he forgot where he was or got simply lost. People in attendance spoke of his face going blank and a strange sort of pleading.

Later, he began to jabber about Jesus being in the room like some quack TV evangelist. He babbled stupidly about cornering Maynard and having a ‘conversation’ as to “why Jesus’ way was the best way.” It sounded goofy and more than a little threatening. It was a cheap shot clearly meant to wound. But he wasn’t the only one. A sleazy zealot named Bob Vander Platt from the Family Leader Conservative Christian Organization also weighed in saying the Wiccan prayer is a “stunning development that many Christians across the state recognize has spiritual ramifications.” Which may be true but not even a soul eater would deny the benefits of religious pluralism in fostering societal growth.

Unless of course if the compulsion for control and a high-roller lust to maintain a stinking status quo overrides any accurate representation of the Will of the people. Pastor Michael Demastus of the Fort Des Moines Church of Christ understands this. Demastus is a legendary fool who has talked time and again of Christian Jihad against anything ‘not-Jesus’. More than once he has remarked about the Christian darkness that can be summoned during Sunday services. During Maynard’s opening prayer, witnessed described him throwing back his head and howling. He frothed at the mouth and kept repeating something about ‘shadows filling the room’. He wept openly. Later, he said stupidly, “I was praying for her salvation. I was praying that she would come to know the one true God. I believe that the occult is dark. I do believe that’s not the place to seek guidance from, so I was not praying against her. I was praying against what she was doing.” Only a malcontent would say such a ghoulish thing but he isn’t fooling anybody. Everybody knows that Pastor Demastus is a swindler more in love with whiskey and contributions from the flock than he is with Jesus. But at least he doesn’t hold public office.

Turning his back wasn’t a strong maneuver for Taylor. As of late, he’s seemed completely disoriented and at times vacant while trying to do his job. There’s been talk of harlots, crack and horrible sobbing when asked about accountability. The kind of talk meant to humiliate and make a smoking ruin of even the most promising political career. In less than a year he’ll be as untouchable as a wasp and mocked openly in public. People will turn their backs when he speaks and jeer him at local restaurants. His email servers will be saturated with thousands of gifs of him turning around endlessly with captions like ‘Hating for Jesus’ and ‘Who needs diversity’. All for the lulz.

In fairness, there were bright spots during the morning prayer ritual. Rep. Liz Bennett (D) remarked that she wasn’t offended by Taylor’s blatant reptilian nature. She remarked, “My purpose in inviting Deborah was not to force anyone to listen to anything they are uncomfortable listening to, Iowa is a very diverse state.” This seems to be the general consensus regardless if one of their local politicians is out of touch and out of step with American cultural values. Maynard herself made the most poignant statement of the event when she said, “It was awe-inspiring. It was humbling. A little scary to be the first one to do something like that in the state of Iowa and the third one in the nation.” Perhaps the most important thing to take away from this is that a representative of the people found offensive a woman who was already nervous about setting a positive impression of her personal beliefs. Is this the kind of leadership Iowa wants in 2015? We’ll leave it to the open market and let the votes make the call but at some point when our chosen representatives act like hateful shysters, it’s time for Other representatives.

Here is the transcript of Maynard’s invocation

 “We call this morning to god, goddess, universe, that which is greater than ourselves to be with us here today. By the earth that is in our bones and centers us, may all here remember our roots and those we are here to represent. By the fire that gives us light and passion, may all here remain passionate about the work that must be done for the people of Iowa. By the air that gives us breath and logic, may all here find thoughtful solutions to the problems that are presented. By the water that flows through our blood and stirs our emotions, may all here draw an emotional intelligence which helps us see the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We call this morning to spirit ever present, to help us respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Be with us and this legislative body and guide them to seek justice, equity and compassion in the work that is before them today. Blessed be, Aho and Amen. “


*Pic courtesy Stephen Mally (Cedar Rapids Gazette)

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