If you want something done, write it yourself. I'm a Folklorist, Author, and Article writer. I've got everything from creative writing to philosophy of science. I discuss life as a novelist and musician. I may even get into recipes now and again. Who knows? There's no telling what goes on in my head on any given day.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Righteous Indignation: Snake-Oil Salesman: Spinning the Occult
Righteous Indignation: Snake-Oil Salesman: Spinning the Occult: www.magusmagazines.com Snake-Oil Salesman: Spinning the Occult I read recently in a book about disinformation that ‘spin’ is a...
Snake-Oil Salesman: Spinning the Occult
Snake-Oil Salesman: Spinning the Occult
I read recently in a book about disinformation that ‘spin’
is a polite word for deception. It got me thinking. Why is it that traditional
paradigms of religion such as Christianity, Buddhism, or even Islam are
‘treated’ differently than religious minorities such as Thelema? Why are occult
systems subject to exorbitant amounts of ‘spin’? Is the deception merely
monetary and would Thelemites be given more favorable provenance? Probably. But
this systemic mischaracterization goes beyond creating a counterfeit reality or ‘spinning a yarn’. The real problem is in
denying pertinent information about occultism by refusing to think critically
about it. Of all the religious systems out there, paradigms of the occult are
the most conducive for ontological discussion. After all, the entire mythos is
based on creation, sustainment, and interaction of Being. In each state of
affairs is a network of interactive autonomy. Whereas traditional religious
systems have an already established set of supernatural beings. (i.e. Father,
Son, Spirit etc…), occult is a fluidic assemblage of invisible mediators that
stay in flux re-assembling and re-newing themselves continuously. They are both
determinate and self-determining. Invocation is simply the means of gaining
rapport and making contact.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Righteous Indignation: Why Occult has nothing to do with faith at all
Righteous Indignation: Why Occult has nothing to do with faith at all: www.magusmagazines.com Why Occult has nothing to do with faith at all: Common perception of the supernatural suggests folk belief ...
Why Occult has nothing to do with faith at all
Why Occult has nothing to do with faith at all: Common perception of the supernatural suggests
folk belief creates an illusory representation of experience. That it is
constructed and self-fulfilling. A mirage of the senses interpreted afterwards
as a real event. In other words, a leap of faith. But there are voices of
dissent that suggest these events are grounded in empirical evidence. Many of
these experiences occur regardless of somebody’s past belief or previous
knowledge. Folklorist David Hufford gives an excellent example of this with a
hummingbird. He states that, “One who has never heard of a hummingbird, and
therefore lacks the concept, can still perceive a hummingbird if it flies into
the garden. Although not experiencing the percept “of a hummingbird”, one will
still have a perceptual experience.” Supernatural experiences work the same
way. We may have no concept of a goetic demon or inter-dimensional
extraterrestrial craft but we can experience this numinous event without prior
knowledge or belief. There’s no faith needed in this circumstance. Moreover,
truth doesn’t necessarily have to be addressed. In its pure, unaltered, and raw
state, the supernatural is not self-evidently false but experiential. Often, it
defies logic or rationality and remains numinous- i.e. mysterious connection
with the godhead. Whether it can be comprehended accurately or understood at
all is a whole other topic but what is clear is that at no time does it depend
on self-fulfilling belief or knowledge. It’s a sovereign and autonomous state
of being that makes use of the same empirical attributes that other folk
traditions employ.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Righteous Indignation: What is Occult Renewal?
Come check the blog! You know you need your occult fix! And leave comments. We welcome all forms of occult dialogue!
Righteous Indignation: What is Occult Renewal?: www.magusmagazines.com I hear people continually ask whether occult has become obsolete in this day and age. I always wonder what...
Righteous Indignation: What is Occult Renewal?: www.magusmagazines.com I hear people continually ask whether occult has become obsolete in this day and age. I always wonder what...
What is Occult Renewal?
I hear people continually ask whether occult has become obsolete
in this day and age. I always wonder what trajectory they refer to. Belief is
always alive and well. The operator recognizes the invisible work that instills
autonomy in the divinities while recognizing the forces that drive his or her
own renewal. Symbiotic relationships are the key to these interactions. Occult
has never been simply about invocation or summoning but contact. In many ways, the UFOlogists are more occult than
traditional occultists. Whereas the occultist will construct elaborate circles
and perform complex ritualization, the UFO searcher knows instinctively that
invisible strings are being plucked every time he aims a telescope at the sky
or traverses a crop circle. The ritual is the method. Occult is not dead it
just manifests in a variety of ways. You perform occult renewal every time you
engage in love-talk while lying in bed with a significant Other or when
composing a piece of music to be heard by no one but your Self. Renewal is in
the inter-action.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Righteous Indignation: “One Generation Away”: Occult Persecution in Moder...
Righteous Indignation: “One Generation Away”: Occult Persecution in Moder...: www.magusmagazines.com “One Generation Away”: Occult Persecution in Modern America “Who controls the past controls the future. W...
Sunday, April 26, 2015
“One Generation Away”: Occult Persecution in Modern America
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the
present controls the past.”
George Orwell
The last night of the Sacred Owl ceremony at Bohemian Grove
was met with a howling wind. Seats kept blowing over and the owl effigy was in
danger of toppling. This event is always a swanky affair. Every year hundreds
of world leaders and corporate entities lazily congregate and discuss where and
how reality will shaped. This year was no different. The customary dinner
before the ritual theatre was a mash-up of blood red steaks, liver, and of
course hummus. It was a fine set-up; perfectly attuned to meet the needs of the
big-wigs in attendance. CEO’s and political leaders laughed jovially and
mingled. Midgets were chased by half-baked executives donning terrifying masks
and carrying wands. Otherwise straight laced corporate leaders danced like
babes and ran naked.
That was until the maniacal child-star and holy soldier Kirk
Cameron appeared like a phantasm and began to exorcise everything in sight. He began
with trees and rocks spouting obscenities and thrusting a wooden cross into the
face of all in attendance. It was like watching a snake handler on the brink of
being bitten in the face. The terrified world leaders squealed and were seized
with a fight or flight response. Some ran blindly into the woods, others
grabbed eating utensils and stood in defensive postures. All while Cameron
hooted and wrung his hands-crazily running up and down the aisle seats
shrieking about rapture and openly invoking Michele Bachmann. It was
The cord was cut. I personally heard Cameron whisper to Ray Comfort,
“We’ve got to be careful with this lot. They’re heathen. This is the only thing they care about or really believe
in. They’ll tie us to that goddamn owl before they burn it.” Comfort laughed
nervously but his face betrayed thoughts that were clearly, Oh God, we’re in real trouble. He
managed a half-choked sob and pleaded, “Maybe we shouldn’t be filming? What if
they find the camera in your glasses?” Cameron soothed, “They’re just Druids.
They’re savage. I’d be surprised if they even know what it is. We’ll run them
down like dogs. It’s pre-ordained.”
This effectively killed the mojo of the weekend but that’s the
growing trend as occultists all over the United States are being herded into
underground shipping containers and tanker trucks like lepers. It’s not a myth.
We are now “One Generation Away” from all-out occult persecution. We will
witness in our children’s lifetimes the streets run red with the blood of
occult martyrs. According to the Coalition for Occult Conservatives, 57% of
practicing Pagans and Thelemites will be interred in underground communities by
the year 2070. The Subterranean Occult Society (S.O.S.) have been frantically
trying to stem the ebb and flow of occult persecution by throwing tens of
millions of dollars into occult ‘think tanks’ in hopes of enticing diversity in
local law-makers, media outlets, and other shapers of consensus reality. But the
fear of ‘filthy superstition’ has stirred up a host of enemies to religious
pluralism. Anti-occult mouthpieces such as Jeff Harshbarger have remarked, “Our
society is submerged in the occult; Harry Potter has filled the minds of our
children for a decade and vampirism meets our teens with the illusions of
grandeur. Witchcraft went mainstream decades ago and Wicca is its offspring.” Other
persecutors such as T. Franklin from the ‘Objective Ministries’ has stated
that, “If there is one thing that Satanists, Goths, and Pagans of all stripes
fear, it is ‘light’; this is why they hold their coven meetings at night, skulk
around in the shadows, and wear dark clothing instead of bright, cheerful
This is the common perception toward esoteric schools of
thought. And it’s working folks. On the surface, occultism is just an
irritating religious minority. But the debris of this all-out assault yields a
far more systemic evil if one only has the will to dig. The problem lays in anthropocentric
autonomy. Modern religious autonomy is anthropocentric. In other words, it is
organized by reference to human beings alone. But occult interaction doesn’t necessarily
denote an anthropocentric perspective of the godhead. There are a myriad of
entities and creatures accepted by occult ritualization that isn’t necessarily
human but literally alien.
It’s this anthropocentric point of view that is the
foundation for modern rule. For example, imagine if UFOs on earth were proved
to be actual extraterrestrials from another dimension. This reality would
threaten anthropocentric sovereignty of the power structure and is why the
reality of UFOs isn’t so much denied but the question not even asked. Or what about the second coming of Jesus
Christ? Again, an event of this caliber would be a real problem for existing
paradigms of anthropocentric rule. The occult suffers from the same system of ‘consensus
reality’. It’s not that occult ritual is refuted or that esoteric thought is
critically found to be ineffective. Oh no, occult study much like UFO reality
is taboo. It threatens the anthropocentric metaphysics of sovereignty. In so
doing, it also violates what is accepted in consensus reality.
When occult evidence comes to the fore, what is needed is an
‘autonomous agnosticism’. A temporary
suspension of consensus reality (i.e norms and laws of spiritual belief) so
that occult reality has the opportunity to affect rational belief. All that is
needed is the perspective that occult goals and esoteric reality is reachable
and knowable. Having a potential materialization of the metaphysical is at
least asking the question. It’s not hard to see how this point of view would
also benefit UFO discussion. In the potential to be knowable epistemologically,
we also grant it an autonomy based on ontological foundations.
But consensus reality will push back not because of the
irrational or illogical. Most religious systems including Christianity have
elements of the illogical. That’s just the ride. Autonomous agnosticism will be
denied because the regime of truth becomes threatened if what is accepted as metaphysically
possible violates what is already established as real. And so the possibilities are unthinkable. If it seems that
the problem is as much politic as religious than your already seeing reality in
a form of agnostic autonomy and questioning the norms and laws of rational
belief. Structures of power are anthropocentric and anything that trespasses
this trespasses what is truth and must be made taboo. I’m not saying give world
power over to the risen Christ or Extraterrestrials but the possibility of
invoking daimons or entities or aliens certainly places a burden on current sovereignty
of power. Perhaps what is needed is a new consensus reality where occultism doesn’t
threaten power structures but contributes to what can be known and attained. It’s
at least asking the question.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Righteous Indignation: Texas Education: A Spectacle in the Wholly Absurd....
Righteous Indignation: Texas Education: A Spectacle in the Wholly Absurd....: Texas Education: A Spectacle in the Wholly Absurd. There is something about election year that make the entire political...
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Texas Education: A Spectacle in the Wholly Absurd.
Texas Education: A Spectacle in the Wholly Absurd.
There is something about election year that make the entire
political world righteous with indignation. Even as early as April, candidates
know whether they are lucky or doomed. You can see on their faces in those
first sweaty television appearances that mark the long, nail-biting crawl to
the primaries. It’s excruciating to watch and hopelessly Darwinian. Dozens of
so-called potentials mercilessly acting out Mortal Combat on the world stage. Each
gouging out the eyes of what were once allies amidst shrieks of “Finish Him!”
It doesn’t take but a few weeks before despair sets in and most just want the
pain to end. You see them between commercial breaks shoveling oxycontin into their
mouth holes and wiping their foreheads while trying to hide the nervous tic
that’ll make them look weak or maimed. It’s a dirty business. More than a few
get righteously superstitious and are willing to conduct any ritual- however
horrifying to their personal sense of self or family to win a few votes. I once
witnessed a primary hopeful finish a speech and immediately demand a deck of
cards, a live rabbit, and a bucket from his closest adviser. God only knows
what the cards were for.
But that’s the nature of the beast during election years. And
it’s not isolated to those being coronated or in the fight of their lives. The trickle-down
insanity of politics also makes agendas further down the totem do strange and
bewildering things. Such was the case last week when Texas unexpectedly decided
that the Biblical Moses was a Founding Father of the United States. The Texas
Board of Education went so far as to ‘change history’ and edit public school
textbooks to reflect absurdly that the constitution was conceived through Mosaic
Law. The private schoolers whined and gnashed their teeth that it was unfair
and unjust to dote on those ‘paupers’ but nobody cared to listen. It was all part
of the plan.
One of the surest ways to sculpt a new history is to get
after the young people early. Children’s textbooks are a devious way to achieve
this end. According to the President of 'Texas Freedom Network' Kathy Miller, “the new textbooks include passages that
suggest Moses influenced the writing of the Constitution and that the roots of
Democracy can be found in the Old Testament. Scholars from across the country
have said such claims are inaccurate and mislead students about the historical
There is something embarrassing and pathological about
reshaping reality in such a manner. Especially considering the Board
purposefully ignored any legitimate scholarly input in favor of a mucky political
agenda hell-bent on creating a history where the U.S. is chosen to carry out God’s will. It’s as if the TBOE wants to make
America Israel. I can only feel saddened for Florida when it’s deemed a
Palestinian State and thousands of rockets rain down in a hapless show of Texas
superiority. When Ben Netanyahu got wind of the Texas agenda, witnesses
remarked that he savagely screamed “That’s my schtick!” and bashed a close adviser
rendering him unconscious.
The whole business has made the political landscape terrible
and ugly. The Founding Fathers are understandably aggravated. Thomas Paine
remarked, “I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the
Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant
church, nor by any other church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.”[1]
John Adams also weighed in saying, “Although the detail of the formation of the
American government is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or
in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be
pretended that any persons or employed in that service had interviews with the
gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven…it will forever be
acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason
and the senses.”[2]
When asked about his thoughts, Thomas Jefferson spat, said sarcastically, “I am
of sect by myself, as far as I know”, then proceeded to suggest a public
flogging for every member of the TBOE.
As of now, the entire Texas education system is teetering on
complete collapse. Many Texans are wildly calling for widespread panic and
public shaming. God only knows what they’ll do with the politicians that
created this mess. But I do believe there are punishments under Mosaic Law that
might be deemed appropriate.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Righteous Indignation: Shysters and Witchery in the “American Heartland”:...
Righteous Indignation: Shysters and Witchery in the “American Heartland”:...: "It's an universal law-intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated behaves with arrogance impat...
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Shysters and Witchery in the “American Heartland”: Protest at Iowa House
"It's an universal law-intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated behaves with arrogance impatience, whereas a truly profound education breeds humility."
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
""Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice."
- Avaan Hirsi Ali
Shysters and
Witchery in the “American Heartland”: Protest at Iowa House
Well, it happened again. Another dark spot on the lungs of Midwest
America. This time the blight came in yet another show of conservative Christian
‘values’ on the chamber floor of Ohio’s House of Representatives.
When the demoness walked in, there was no outright sorcery
that signaled her arrival. The lights didn’t dim. There were no disembodied
voices, cackling, or pungent odor. Aside from some sneers and an audible gasp
by a leering spinster sitting in the first row white-knuckling her King James
in some self-induced personal hell, the day seemed pretty cheery.
That was until Cedar Rapids witch Debora Maynard had the gall
to offer a morning prayer on behalf of the local Wiccan populace. Things then
got cheap and ugly. At the moment Maynard began to utter a uniquely beautiful
prayer which appealed to “god, goddess, universe, that which is greater than
ourselves”, Rep. Rob Taylor smugly turned his back in clear disrespect of the
woman’s expression of belief. It was an odd and almost frightening gesture. Like
he forgot where he was or got simply lost. People in attendance spoke of his
face going blank and a strange sort of pleading.
Later, he began to jabber about Jesus being in the room like
some quack TV evangelist. He babbled stupidly about cornering Maynard and
having a ‘conversation’ as to “why Jesus’ way was the best way.” It sounded
goofy and more than a little threatening. It was a cheap shot clearly meant to
wound. But he wasn’t the only one. A sleazy zealot named Bob Vander Platt from
the Family Leader Conservative Christian Organization also weighed in saying
the Wiccan prayer is a “stunning development that many Christians across the
state recognize has spiritual ramifications.” Which may be true but not even a
soul eater would deny the benefits of religious pluralism in fostering societal
Unless of course if the compulsion for control and a high-roller
lust to maintain a stinking status quo overrides any accurate representation of
the Will of the people. Pastor Michael Demastus of the Fort Des Moines Church
of Christ understands this. Demastus is a legendary fool who has talked time
and again of Christian Jihad against anything ‘not-Jesus’. More than once he
has remarked about the Christian darkness that can be summoned during Sunday services.
During Maynard’s opening prayer, witnessed described him throwing back his head
and howling. He frothed at the mouth and kept repeating something about ‘shadows
filling the room’. He wept openly. Later, he said stupidly, “I was praying for
her salvation. I was praying that she would come to know the one true God. I believe
that the occult is dark. I do believe that’s not the place to seek guidance
from, so I was not praying against her. I was praying against what she was
doing.” Only a malcontent would say such a ghoulish thing but he isn’t fooling
anybody. Everybody knows that Pastor Demastus is a swindler more in love with
whiskey and contributions from the flock than he is with Jesus. But at least he
doesn’t hold public office.
Turning his back wasn’t a strong maneuver for Taylor. As of
late, he’s seemed completely disoriented and at times vacant while trying to do
his job. There’s been talk of harlots, crack and horrible sobbing when asked
about accountability. The kind of talk meant to humiliate and make a smoking
ruin of even the most promising political career. In less than a year he’ll be
as untouchable as a wasp and mocked openly in public. People will turn their
backs when he speaks and jeer him at local restaurants. His email servers will
be saturated with thousands of gifs of him turning around endlessly with
captions like ‘Hating for Jesus’ and ‘Who needs diversity’. All for the lulz.
In fairness, there were bright spots during the morning
prayer ritual. Rep. Liz Bennett (D) remarked that she wasn’t offended by Taylor’s
blatant reptilian nature. She remarked, “My purpose in inviting Deborah was not
to force anyone to listen to anything they are uncomfortable listening to, Iowa
is a very diverse state.” This seems to be the general consensus regardless if
one of their local politicians is out of touch and out of step with American
cultural values. Maynard herself made the most poignant statement of the event
when she said, “It was awe-inspiring. It was humbling. A little scary to be the
first one to do something like that in the state of Iowa and the third one in
the nation.” Perhaps the most important thing to take away from this is that a
representative of the people found offensive a woman who was already nervous
about setting a positive impression of her personal beliefs. Is this the kind
of leadership Iowa wants in 2015? We’ll leave it to the open market and let the
votes make the call but at some point when our chosen representatives act like
hateful shysters, it’s time for Other representatives.
Here is the transcript of Maynard’s invocation
“We call this morning
to god, goddess, universe, that which is greater than ourselves to be with us
here today. By the earth that is in our bones and centers us, may all here
remember our roots and those we are here to represent. By the fire that gives
us light and passion, may all here remain passionate about the work that must
be done for the people of Iowa. By the air that gives us breath and logic, may
all here find thoughtful solutions to the problems that are presented. By the
water that flows through our blood and stirs our emotions, may all here draw an
emotional intelligence which helps us see the inherent worth and dignity of
every person. We call this morning to spirit ever present, to help us respect
the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Be with us and
this legislative body and guide them to seek justice, equity and compassion in
the work that is before them today. Blessed be, Aho and Amen. “
*Pic courtesy Stephen Mally (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
*Pic courtesy Stephen Mally (Cedar Rapids Gazette)
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