Sunday, May 20, 2012

Quantum Sorcery

Hey Everybody check this introduction to Quantum Sorcery!!! by David Smith

Quantum Sorcery
quantum theory
1.A theory in physics based on the principle that matter and energy have the
properties of both particles and waves, used to account for a wide range of
physical phenomena, including the existence of discrete packets of energy and
matter, the uncertainty principle, and the exclusion principle.
c.1300, from O.Fr. sorcerie, from sorcier "sorcerer," from V.L. *sortiarius, lit. "one
who influences, fate, fortune," from L. sors (gen. sortis) "lot, fate, fortune".
Quantum Sorcery is a magical system which presupposes that an individual can
cause desired effects to be manifest in the physical world via the exertion of will.
This system makes no supposition regarding the existence or influence of any
sort of divine creator; rather it is based upon the premise that the human mind
causes minute changes in the behavior of subatomic particles and energy fields
within space/time. These minute changes in turn cause a cascade of events to
occur, which ultimately result in the desired effect.2
below is like what is above. The miracle of unity is to be attained”. Understanding
the underlying principle of this statement is an essential part of the manifold
magickal processes that comprise Hermeticism, the core of a number of
traditional Western magickal systems.
In addition, quantum sorcery also acknowledges the theory of sensitive
dependence on initial conditions, also known as “The Butterfly Effect”. Edward
Lorenz, a MIT meteorologist, coined the phrase in a 1972 talk based on weather
modeling he had initiated in 1960.
Quantum sorcery can be rightly regarded as a subset of Chaos Magick. Like its
progenitor, the system is anti-dogmatic, result-oriented, and free-form. The
system employs techniques of magick proposed by such authors as Spare,
Carroll, Hine, Morrison, and Pesce, alongside of mathematical and scientific
theories proposed by Dirac, Lorenz, Heisenberg, Bohr, and Mandelbrot.
What is the Reason?
The origin of this project arose from a simple question that I could not answer:
What is the mechanism by which the will can cause physical changes in the
observable universe to be manifest? How does magick work? My belief is that
the force derives from humanity itself. Myriad religions and magical systems with
vastly differing methods are seemingly capable of achieving these results,
whether the process is referred to as prayer or spell craft. This would seem to
indicate that it is not a particular external force which makes these results
possible, or if it is, then it is a force which is universally available to all who seek
to employ it, rather than being an insular deity.
Occam’s Razor
William of Occam, a 14th century logician and Franciscan friar, wrote:
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate
Which is translated as:
Plurality should not be posited without necessity
This became known as Occam’s Razor. I apply this to mean that the explanation
for a phenomenon which requires the fewest assumptions to be made is most
likely to be correct. In this framework, I theorize that within a physical universe,
composed of particles and waves that any force capable of manifesting an
observable effect on these particles and waves must be of that physical universe
itself, rather than external to it. More plainly stated, there is no need to ascribe
miraculous or supernatural effects to an outside agent, when it is more probable
that the effects originate within the magickian.

The Psychic Censor
As individuals mature within a culture, they are expected to subscribe, and in fact
contribute to, the consensus reality of that culture. This generally includes
accepting the dominant spiritual paradigm. James Carse, in Finite and Infinite
Games, observes that a society will go to extremes to enforce its world view
upon its members.
The acceptance of external definitions of what constitutes the difference between
real and unreal contribute to the creation and reinforcement of what Austin
Osman Spare referred to as the psychic censor. This is a mechanism of the
conscious mind which determines, based on rules which have been internalized
from consensus reality, what limits are placed on possibility. In general, the
psychic censor tells the conscious mind that magick is a fallacy, and that the
power of the mind is insufficient to cause actual change in the universe.
Fortunately, there a number of ways by which this mechanism can be negated.
One of these methods, and probably the most frequently employed, is to ascribe
magickal power to a higher source, such as a god or demon. This placates the
censor by inactivating the self as the causal agent. The desire is passed to the
erstwhile higher entity via prayer or evocation. Unfortunately, this method is
logically fallible, requiring an even greater suspension of disbelief, and the
adoption of a larger complex of assumptions than simply accepting that the self is
capable of direct action.
Another way in which the psychic censor can be avoided is by allowing the desire
for change to be passed off from the conscious mind to the subconscious. This
can be done via a variety of methods, including sigilization, glossolalia, or other
methods which compress the linguistic construction of the desire into a symbolic
form which can be better actualized by this part of the mind. This method was a
hallmark of Austin Osman Spare’s magickal system, which Peter Carroll adapted
into his system of Chaos Magick. It is generally effective, but relies on the
concept of avoiding a lust for results. If the magickian is unable to expunge the
desire from the conscious mind, then the psychic censor will be activated, and
will counter the desire with disbelief, guilt, or other undesired processes.
This effect can be lessened by conditioning the censor to accept a greater range
of possibilities. There are a number of ways by which this can be attempted,
including John Lilly’s metaprogramming, Bandler and Grinder’s neuro-linguistic
programming, the Silva Method, hypnosis, meditation, and other systems which
attempt to allow direct intervention and control by the self over thought
processes. Many of these methods themselves are simply proxies by which the
conscious mind is empowered to a greater proportion of its already existing

Quantum sorcery uses awareness of scientific principles, specifically quantum
mechanics and chaos theory, to placate the psychic censor. This is
accomplished by realizing that at a quantum level, physical reality itself is
reduced to a field of probabilities which can be manipulated by the mere act of
observation, and that minute changes in momentum and trajectory of subatomic
particles can propagate to cause far greater physical effects in the objective
universe. Reducing the scale at which an influence needs to be applied in order
to produce desired results further helps to convince the conscious mind that such
ends are attainable.
A Multiverse of Possibilities
With the discovery in the first quarter of the 20th century that subatomic particles
such as the electron possessed the qualities of waves as well as physical matter,
an entirely new system of models and theories had to be created to describe the
new understanding of reality. One of these was the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle. This principle stated that on a subatomic level, that the position and
momentum of a particle could not both be measured with a high degree of
precision. The best degree of accuracy that can be obtained if one property was
measured with a high degree of precision is a probability range for the other
One theory that has been proposed as an explanation for this principle is known
as the many-worlds hypothesis. This theory posits that the state of a particle is
not uncertain, rather that all possible realizations of position and energy for every
existing particle actually exist, each one having its own separate and unique
universe. This condition is also known as quantum superposition. Based on
theories of how many particles there are in the known universe, as well as the
estimated size and shape of the universe, the total number of possible universes
has been surmised to be approximately 10500. This collective set is also referred
to by some physicists as the multiverse.
Watch the butterfly flutter by
Beginning in 1960, meteorologist Edward Lorenz began a series of weather
system simulations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In his
modeling, he discovered that very small variations in the initial state of a complex
system result in large differences in the end result. He detailed these findings in a
paper titled Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow, which was published in 1963. In
1972, Lorenz gave a talk in which he asked the question: Can a butterfly flapping
its wings in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas? This gave rise to the more
commonly known name for the initial conditions phenomenon, “The Butterfly
With regard to magickal practice, this bears close scrutiny. The impetus to
change the outcome of a situation can depend on a myriad of factors which

would seem at first examination to be irrelevant. Alan Turing, a mathematician
renowned for his theories on machine intelligence encapsulated this
“The system of the Universe as a whole is such that quite small errors in the
initial conditions can have an overwhelming effect at a later time. The
displacement of a single electron by a billionth of a centimeter at one moment
might make the difference between a man being killed by an avalanche a year
later, or escaping”
In this framework, the question is how to effect the displacement of that single
electron, so that the result is the one desired.
Fractal forms reveal infinite scale
“The number of distinct scales of length of natural patterns is for practical
purposes infinite” – Benoit Mandelbrot
Benoit Mandelbrot, a mathematician employed at the time at IBM, investigated a
seemingly simple problem in the 1970’s: “How long is the coast of Britain?” What
he found was that as the degree of scale employed in the measurement was
taken to finer levels, the longer the coastline appeared to be. This was a result of
smaller and smaller features appearing as the perspective was magnified.
Features which appear to be straight lines on a small scale map are revealed to
be complicated and jagged on a large scale map. He referred to these forms as
fractal, from the Latin for “broken”. When fractal functions are graphed, the
results can be viewed at any level of magnification, and they will appear similar.
What does this mean to the quantum sorcerer? It means that there is no lower
limit to the degree of visualization that can be employed when attempting to
influence physical reality. In business language, the phrase “drill down” is often
used to indicate a focus on the minutia of a given situation. Appropriating the
terminology for this instance, the quantum sorcerer must drill down to the
subatomic level in order to apply Will where it will be the most effective.
Holographic Universe
In Paris in 1982, a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect was able to verify
the theory that particles which have previously interacted with one another will
from that interaction forward be connected with regard to the phase of their
waveforms. What was particularly of interest about this confirmation was that the
exchange of information between these particles occurred at a speed greater
than the speed of light. This has led to the theory, espoused by University of
London physicist David Bohm, among others, that the universe is in fact a
massive and intricate hologram.

A hologram is an image created by reflecting a laser off of an object, and
subjecting the reflected light to the light of a second laser. The resulting
interference pattern is then captured. This results in a three-dimensional image of
the original object. What is most noteworthy is that if a fragment of the image is
torn off of the whole, that fragment will still contain a smaller but intact version of
the original image. No intelligence is lost in the fragmentation.
Those who espouse the holographic paradigm have suggested that the contact
between particles so observed is not due to a signal sent between them, but is
due to the fact that it is only our inaccurate perception which interprets the
particles as separate, discrete entities. In this theoretical system, such particles
are considered to be manifestations of the same underlying fundamental
phenomenon. Extracted to its conclusion, the theory suggests that all objects in
the universe are infinitely interconnected.
Whether or not this theory has any validity has yet to be hammered out among
theoretical physicists, but in any case, it is a useful model for visualizing
manipulation of matter and energy for the magickian. As Michael Talbot states in
his article on this paradigm, “In a holographic universe there are no limits to the
extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.”
Thus far, I have discussed the nature of reality, and posited that it is subject to
manipulation by an individual, but I have not yet addressed how an individual
might go about doing such a thing.
Fundamental Forces
There are four fundamental forces in the universe which effect matter. These are
gravitation, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear
force. If the momentum or position of a particle of matter is to be modified, it is
most likely to be done via one of these forces. It is possible that there are other
forces, as of yet undiscovered and unobserved, but these four are capable of
explaining the behavior of matter in the current state of the universe. In a
younger universe, closer in time to the “Big Bang”, it is thought at that all four
forces become one, so it is theoretically feasible to suggest that as the universe
continues to cool and expand, that other forces might yet be brought to bear.
Gravity is the attractive force between all particles with mass. Electromagnetic
force affects charged particles, as well as particles which possess magnetic
attributes. The nuclear forces are those which operate within the atomic nucleus.
It is the second of these, electromagnetism, that I believe must be the
mechanism by which a human can physically influence reality on a subatomic

In quantum theory, the exchange of energy between particles is modeled by the
use of force carriers called bosons. In the case of electromagnetism, this force
carrier has zero mass, and is known as a photon. Collisions between photons
and other particles are fairly frequent events in nature. An example of this is the
photoelectric effect, which is the result of a photon colliding with an atom with
sufficient force to discharge an electron from its orbit, ejecting it from the atom.
In a 2004 study involving bio-energy healers, who were asked to focus their
mental energy, the median increase in the energy output of the volunteers in the
experimental group was found to be 8.3 volts, and lasted a median of 3.6
seconds. This was a test of the phenomenon known as biophotonic emission.
Still considered a pseudo-science by most of the scientific community, this
process has been studied by researchers such as Fritz Albert Popp of the
International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany since the late 1970’s.
Biophotons themselves were first documented in 1923 by Russian medical
scientist Alexander Gurvich, who named them "mitogenetic rays".
Assuming that biophotonic emission is an actual phenomenon, and that the
intensity of emission can be controlled with adequate training, this would provide
the physical mechanism by which a human could physically alter the behavior of
subatomic particles. If this mechanism in turn can be combined with the
visualization of an intended outcome, then the probability of actually causing that
desired result to manifest could physically exist.
I have proposed that the phenomenon of magick derives its source not from a
supernatural or higher being, but through the process of human bio-energy
effecting subatomic particles. I realize that this is a stretch. Practitioners of
magickal systems which presume that results are the purview of extradimensional
entities would no doubt find this theory to be rubbish, as would most
traditional physicists. I myself am not certain that this effect is factual or probable.
I do believe however, that it is possible, and that is the key. Even if magickal
results are obtained through an as of yet completely unknown mechanism, and
this theory serves only as the basis of visualization, it is still an effective
mnemonic device. Quantum sorcery provides a possible explanation to the
psychic censor, and loosens the parameters of what the censor will permit to be
manifest in the personal reality of the magickian.

Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Etymology Online -
Carse, James – Finite and Infinite Games
Carroll, Peter – Liber Null
Ferris, Timothy (ed.) – The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and
- Ferris, Timothy: “Unified Theories of Physics”
- Mandelbrot, Benoit: “How Long is the Coast of Britain?”
- Turing, Alan: “Can a Machine Think?”
- Von Neumann, John: “The Computer and the Brain”
Joines, William T., Baumann, Stephen B., Kim, Jeremy et al. - Measurement of
charge accumulation and EM emissions from bioenergy healers, 2004
Lilly, John - Programming And Metaprogramming In The Human Biocomputer
Lorenz, Edward - Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow. Journal of Atmospheric
Sciences, Vol. 20, March 1963.
Markey, Sean – “The Universe is Finite” National Geographic News, October 8,
Pesce, Mark- Memes to an End - presentation at Mindstates 2003
Schombert, James – Lecture Notes for Astronomy 123:
Spare, Austin Osman – The Book of Pleasure
Talbot, Michael – “The Universe as Hologram” The Village Voice, September 22,
1987, pp. 31-34.

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